Major project in Belgium

Project completed at...

Sebastian Schneider

We take over the production and deadline monitoring of various large-volume steel tanks for chemical construction. For this purpose, the production of all tanks will be carried out in neighboring Belgium. In the kick-off meeting last week, which took place in the form of a video conference, the necessary information and documents have already been exchanged. The entry permit to Belgium has also been approved.
Thus, the on-site monitoring could already start this week and, from the current point of view, will last until the beginning of 2021.
The first containers with lengths of up to 83 metres and a diameter of up to 5 metres have already been inspected and approved for further processing.

What are our tasks in this project? 

"For us, the project in Belgium is a big challenge due to the current Corona situation. The constraints limit us to some extent and we have to keep adapting. Nevertheless, it is a great project and we are looking forward to the further steps in this project."